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职位编号: C1375
Womens wear brand seeking Full and Part time Fashion Interns
雇主: a Women's wear brand
工作地点: 上海
工作地址: Shanghai
工作类型: 实习
行业&领域: 纺织品/服装
职位数量: 1
薪水: 月薪: 人民币 (CNY) 0 至 1,000
联系人: HR
更新日期: 2013/9/29
有效期至: 2013/12/31     Expired
Womens wear brand seeking Full and Part time Fashion Interns

We are a Women's wear brand, specializing in high end bridal, evening/cocktail wear and accessories. We focus heavily on promoting ethical fashion and are currently recruiting for intern positions for full time & part time to join our small and dedicated team.

This is an unpaid internship and will be for a period of 3 months. Applicants should be available for minimum of at least 2-3 days a week. This is a fantastic opportunities for new graduates and students who are looking to gain hands-on experience within the fashion industry in a fun environment.

If you are interested, or would like more details please forward your CV and portfolio to the following email address:

(login to view email)
Applicants should have the following skills:
- MUST have high Proficiency in Chinese and English (spoken and written.)
- Fashion and/or Accessories degree and background.
- Must have an interest and passion in ethical and sustainable fashion.
- Strong in flat sketches.
- Must be creative, and possess technical abilities and knowledge.
- Proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, and standard office programs.
- Be aware of current trends, and have a good sense of style.
- Punctual, organised and able to manage their time well.
- Be able to work well in a team, as well as on their own.
- Energetic, with a positive attitude.
This is an unpaid intern position
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邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
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