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职位编号: C189
Managing Editor for City Weekend Beijing’s Parents & Kids Magazine
雇主: City Weekend Beijing
工作地点: 北京
工作地址: Beijing
工作类型: 全职
行业&领域: 打印/出版
职位数量: 1
薪水: 面谈
联系人: Lee Mack
更新日期: 2012/4/11
有效期至: 2012/4/30     Expired
City Weekend Beijing is hiring a managing editor for our Parents & Kids Magazine and related digital products. These publications directly serve Beijing’s dynamic community of families. Parents & Kids comes out 10 times a year.

We are looking for editorial candidates with the usual qualifications:

- Native English speaker
- 2 years of pro editorial/writing experience
- Mandarin ability
- Demonstrated leadership ability
- Detail oriented
- Deadline obsessive
- Likes kids!

EVEN MORE THAT THAT, we are looking for an editor with the drive to run an entire publication from top to bottom, from print to web and web to print.

City Weekend uses the latest technology to publish our magazines. We use the Woodwing system, have a fully-functional photo database and we leverage our innovative user-generated website (www.cityweekend.com.cn) to allow editors to achieve maximum efficiency.

We can do this because City Weekend is owned by Ringier, a Swiss publishing group with 175 years of history. You will be supported by a full staff of designers, sales, photographers , bloggers and IT personnel. This is an excellent opportunity to put your editorial/media career into high gear as well as serve one of Beijing’s most important communities. Competitive salary commensurate with experience, full medical benefits and expense budget included.

Send CV and statement of interest to Lee Mack

Application closes April 30.
The JD
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