雇主: BlueGate Public Relations Planning Co., Ltd
Job Description:
1. According to the program of activities, the account executive needs to organize, supervise and implement various public relations activities;
2.Has to be familiar with the activity flow and can reasonably assign work to staff and supervise every aspect of the implementation of the activities on-site。
1、Preferably foreigners from English speaking country with basic HSK knowledge (non mandatory)
2、Passion for pr,Interested in large events;
3、Should be cheerful, lively, and able to occasionally work overtime and travel.
The basic monthly salary +project funds +Holiday bonus+Weekends+Annual leave+ Other benefits
Bluegate-Group(博达泓翼)是专业的广告、公关、多媒体为一体的传播机构,以倡导整合营销传播、推行全面代理服务、多媒体技术开发为己任, 通过与客户的全面了解、沟通、以对产品市场的深入调查研究为基础, 以客户营销效果为目标, 随时为客户提供优质、专业的服务与独特的创意。 我们已拥有一批忠实的客户, 涵盖汽车、银行、房产、旅游医疗、IT等行业。