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职位编号: C2093
Educational Consultant /Academic Mentor
雇主: ZMN Education
工作地点: 上海
工作地址: CIROS Plaza, No. 388 Nanjing West Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
工作类型: 全职(办公室)
行业&领域: 教育
职位数量: 1
薪水: 月薪: 人民币 (CNY) 15,000 至 20,000
联系电话: 021-61266768-8029
联系人: Shuya Xiao
更新日期: 2015/8/30
有效期至: 2015/8/30     Expired
ZMN education was founded in 2006 by the Chinese senior educational expert Qiyong Chen, specializing in helping students to apply their dream elite school in United States. As the leader in Chinese high education industry, ZMNs is the first educational consulting company who put forward the concept of “Extracurricular Activities Planning”, designs the personal activity plans to each student. With all the efforts, 90% of ZMN’s students enrolled in top 50 universities in States. Also with the good reputation, ZMN was named the "Top Ten brand” in the educational consulting industry. Earlier this year, ZMN Education received venture capital investment and will be listed in the market of HK. After this successful investment, ZMNs will continue to accelerate the rate of future expansion based on the existing sixteen branches. Now, ZMN Education wants to welcome more talent and creative youth with a passion in education to join our “joint venture” platform and achieve the professional dreams together!

We are seeking reliable and internationally-minded professionals to fill a highly rewarding position for our Shanghai Counseling team. You will live in a contemporary urban environment that blends East and West, modern and traditional, and likely have the experience of a life time. Ideal applicants will be customer-service oriented and passionate about enabling students to realize their educational goals in the United States.
Responsibilities include:
- Teach a writing workshop to guide students in crafting their various college application essay, American literature, American culture.
- Polish and provide constructive feedback on essays.

- A master degree or above from universities in North American
- Excellent ability in English, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing
- Strong sense of customer service, good communication and interpersonal skills, and attention to detail
- Integrity and honesty, ability to work under pressure, and a great sense of responsibility to students.
Salary : 180,000-250,000 RMB per year
Two months break with paid
Extra subsidy for housing : 20,000 RMB per year
ZMN education was founded in 2006 by the Chinese senior educational expert Qiyong Chen, specializing in helping students to apply their dream elite school in United States. As the leader in Chinese high education industry, ZMNs is the first educational consulting company who put forward the concept of “Extracurricular Activities Planning”, designs the personal activity plans to each student. With all the efforts, 90% of ZMN’s students enrolled in top 50 universities in States. Also with the good reputation, ZMN was named the "Top Ten brand” in the educational consulting industry. Earlier this year, ZMN Education received venture capital investment and will be listed in the market of HK. After this successful investment, ZMNs will continue to accelerate the rate of future expansion based on the existing sixteen branches. Now, ZMN Education wants to welcome more talent and creative youth with a passion in education to join our “joint venture” platform and achieve the professional dreams together!
北京地址: 北京市东城区安外大街甲88号中联大厦403室 邮编: 100011
邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
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