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职位编号: C2118
英语老师 English Trainer
雇主: 丽水哇啦哇啦国际英语
工作地点: 杭州
工作地址: zhejiang,lishui
工作类型: 全职(办公室)
行业&领域: 教育
职位数量: 2
薪水: 月薪: 人民币 (CNY) 10,000 至 12,000
联系电话: 13867097997
联系人: Rainbow
更新日期: 2015/9/9
有效期至: 2015/9/17     Expired
Job information:
At WalaWala we believe that our job is not only to help our students to fulfil theirEnglish language potential, but also to ensure that they do so with a smile on their faces. To this end, we are looking for an enthusiastic teacher who can bring energy and excitement to the classroom in order to create a fun learning environment and develop a keen passion for learning among students from 3 to 17 years old.
Our teachers: prepare all lessons to the best of their ability, while being adept at responding flexibly to changes in a dynamic classroom environment; are highly motivated and constantly strive to improve their teaching; are patient and understand the individual learning needs of students, while remaining objective-oriented; and possess excellent interpersonal communication skills to both effectively engage students and work hand-in-hand with a Chinese teaching assistant who is responsible for maintaining a transparent relationship with parents.

1. English native speakers from UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand (SA Applicants will also be considered).
2. Bachelors Degree.
3. TEFL/TESOL certificate (At least 1 years teaching experience preferred).
4. A passion for teaching and an energetic personality is a MUST.
5. Willing to sign a one year contract.
6. Available to begin training in Shanghai on Wednesday August 26th 2015 (ideally you should be able to arrive in Shanghai on Monday August 24th to allow time to acclimatize).
* due to Chinese work visa requirements, we can only employ candidates aged between 23 and 50 years.

1. 10000RMB guaranteed every month (1600USD).
2. Contract completion bonus 5000RMB (800USD).
3. Flight Allowance 5000RMB (800USD).
4. Free fully-furnished modern apartment.
5. Airport pick up.
6. Paid training prior to teaching.
7. Medical insurance.
8. Costs for the teachers work-related documents (including working visa and resident permit) paid by the school.
哇啦哇啦教育旗下的哇啦哇啦英语(Walawala English)致力于青少儿英语教育事业,是为数不多的结合国际学校的英语教学方式立足母语式教学的专业教育集团,加强培育3-18岁青少儿之英语听、说、读、写能力一直是我们的信念。哇啦哇啦英语始终以客户为导向,以独特的教学理念、极具竞争力的中外师资力量,完善的管理和质量监控体系,通过既全面又不失个性化的课程设计来满足不同层次和不同目的的学生需求。
北京地址: 北京市东城区安外大街甲88号中联大厦403室 邮编: 100011
邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
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