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职位编号: C2127
Development Manager
雇主: China Pharmaceutical Group Antibiotics factory
工作地点: 上海
工作地址: shanghai china
工作类型: 全职(办公室)
行业&领域: 医药品
职位数量: 1
薪水: 月薪: 人民币 (CNY) 120,000 至 160,000
联系电话: 13871055568
联系人: yu dilei
更新日期: 2015/8/23
有效期至: 2015/10/24     Expired
we had a professinal team about ]prescribed drug sales,our major works is touch doctor ,let him know more our prescribed drug features and company brand ,so doctor will working more prescription about our medicine ,we will get more sales.
your job is development manager , major touch hospital director , you will get their support ,our prescribed drug will get into hospital pharmcy,then , other persons of our team will follow way touch related doctor and get prescription,because you are foreigner,so you will get more chance than us , once again get into hospital pharmcy , for example, if sale 100 one month ,you will get 10000 china yuan(not dollor),if we get into 5 hospital pharmcy , how bonus you count?as we promise you will get bonus long as get anyone hospital pharmcy ever, it you have any question and concern dont hesitate connact me !
you email to me first attached your person photo and further face talking ! dont worry if you dont konw our product and how to do ,we will take you up the way ,you will get profssional trainning!
better you are female ,and 20_35 age,you have simple chinese avilable, you can speak english,
maybe bonus not much on the beginning ,cause our medicine not into hospital pharmcy yet ,but we believe that is short term . our cooperation will sucssessful !
China Pharmaceutical Group, Sichuan, Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of China Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai Modern Pharmaceutical Ltd.
The Chinese medicine Sichuan is located in the west of Chengdu high tech Zone, and has the oral preparation workshop as well as the research and development of the GMP certification. The production scope includes the raw material medicine and the preparation of the material, tablets, granules, soft capsules, hard capsules, oral liquid, etc..
Companies adhere to the "special, refined, special" development path, the biological immune system is committed to the production of anti tumor drugs. The tacrolimus, mycophenolate test phenolic ester, cyclosporine A (CSA), mannan peptidoglycan, bestatin, hydrochloride granisetron Joan, products of advanced technology at the forefront of the country.
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邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
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