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职位编号: C2150
Indian Business & Operation Director Needed - Work in Mumbai
雇主: The ACG Group
工作地点: 其它
工作地址: Mumbai, India
工作类型: 全职(办公室)
行业&领域: 汽车
职位数量: 1
薪水: 月薪: 人民币 (CNY) 15,000 至 20,000
联系人: HR
更新日期: 2015/9/25
有效期至: 2015/12/31     Expired
Indian Business & Operation Director Needed - Work in Mumbai

About us:
The ACG Group is a world-leading quality and technical service company. We started over 10 years ago with the foundation of solving customers’ quality issues and the drive for continuous quality improvement. Our QC services typically cover the entire industry supply chain both in products’ manufacturing phases from component to system levels, and in the post-manufacturing phases from commercial to retail channels etc. Our services include field inspection and rework, factory and shipment audits, after-sales and repair, certification and testing, surveying, as well as total quality management consulting. With in-depth experiences in electronic and automotive industries, our ever-expanding serivces are also in mechanical, medical devices, textile, and household goods industries. With fixed locations in more than 20 countries and service-reach of almost 40 countries, our network of coverage is one of the broadest around the world. The ACG Group is set out to be your quality management partner with local services on a global basis.

Job Title: Business & Operation Director
Office: Near Mumbai
Report to: Executive Vice President
Department: International Group, India Business Devision

Job Responsibilities:
1) be responsible for the business development and market development
2) be responsible for the orders taking and operation, and team recruitment
3) be responsible for on-site quality management and personnel management
4) be responsible for the operations management
5) responsible for the customer satisfaction

About Travel:
International business travel, and will come to China twice 1 year

Best regards

Job Requirements:
1) you must be an Indian, with Auto industry work experience and background, at least with auto parts industry work experience
2) if you have electronic LCD industry background, will be a big plus
3) more than 8 years working experience, more than five years in the car industry, more than 3 years sales experience, quality management and team management experience; Familiar with third-party quality service industry.
4) Fluent in English, English as working language
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