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职位编号: C2595
Full time&Part time English teacher
雇主: XORMedia
工作地点: 上海
工作地址: 5th floor,Building 2,No641,Tianshan Road ,Changning District,Shanghai City
工作类型: 全职, 兼职
行业&领域: 教育
职位数量: 6
薪水: 面谈
联系电话: 13501839865/13818096355
联系人: Mr.Du
更新日期: 2017/1/19
有效期至: 2017/2/9     Expired
Full time and part time:
1.Independently preparing and teaching onlineEnglish lessons with the given materials (students’ age: 6-12 );
2.Acting / teaching in front of cameras to recordvideo lessons;
3.English lessons and curriculum design;
1.Native English speakers (north American accentsare preferred);
2.Being able to work in the positions for morethan 1 year;
3.Bachelor degrees or above;
4.Teaching experience with students from 6 to 12is preferred;

If interested, please send your resume pohoto&a short video to:***@***.*** or you can directly apply in this website.
HR WeChat:braveup / BMW219718
Full time: 12k-20k RMB monthly, depending on qualifications
Part time: 130-250 RMB per hour, depending on qualificationsand of committed hours
About us
XOR Meida is an originator of content management, delivery and advertising software solutions that have shaped the premium video and advertising market for the past 14 years.
Our Company Staffed by over 200 employees, the company provides on-premise and cloud-based solutions that enable the world’s foremost TV service providers and content owners to create millions of compelling, individualized consumer experiences on every device, every day, and dramatically accelerate revenue with targeted advertising, promotions and recommendation capabilities.
Current Location: China Shanghai
北京地址: 北京市东城区安外大街甲88号中联大厦403室 邮编: 100011
邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
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