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职位编号: C2751
Interview and Writing Coach for Overseas Admissions (Station in China)
雇主: Foundation Global Education
工作地点: 昆明
工作地址: 13/F Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
工作类型: 全职
行业&领域: 教育
职位数量: 1
薪水: 面谈
联系电话: +85231078810
联系人: Sandy Leung
更新日期: 2017/5/5
有效期至: 2017/6/19     Expired

The teenage years are often the most transformative and defining stage of a student’s life. We see it as our duty to help every one of our students to holistically develop in the areas of academics, extracurriculars, and character. Whether the next destination is a boarding school or a university, our coaches provide services for our clients in:

- Interview training and personality development.
- Boarding school and university application essay coaching.
- Personal portfolio building.
- Developing oral English and English writing skills.

Almost all of our assignments are multi-years in duration, and our coaches are responsible for guiding, shaping, and grooming our students as they grow through their critical character-forming years.

We are looking for bright and creative individuals who:

- Share our passion in the field of education planning.
- Love interacting with teenagers, take pride in delivering excellence and strive to make a difference in others’ lives.
- Possess mature life view, backed by 1-3 years of solid career track preferably in the field of education or counseling.
- Have impeccable attention to detail and excellent communication skills.
- Native and/or fluent English is necessary,
- Enjoy writing, and have the ability to analyze other’s writing quickly and with ease
- Experience in teaching, and an interest in pedagogy is highly valued

Overseas living experience is essential and candidates with boarding school experience will be given special consideration.

Much more than a paycheck. We believe in Work Hard, Play Hard. We believe that a good heart with a shrewd mind can together produce an impactful educational experience that can truly transform young lives and at the same time sustain a decent pay for everyone involved. All compensations are carefully considered and are commensurate with experience, merits, and potential. Do good, do well.

Last Word

Only the Serious Should Apply. If you are up for the challenge, we strongly encourage you to submit your credentials and expected salary to ***@***.***

Education can be fun, and being professional doesn't have to be boring. Make a real difference. Come join us.
Asia’s Leading Boarding School Specialists

Foundation is one of the leading independent education consultancies in Asia specializing in admission counseling and related training services for students wishing to enter top-tier boarding schools and universities across North America and Europe. Headquartered in Hong Kong, our counselors service clients everywhere from Greater China to Southeast Asia. We have been actively growing our team to meet the rising demands of Asian families seeking quality overseas education. We are committed to providing our multicultural workforce with challenging experiences and enriching development opportunities. If you think you have an interesting profile, we are interested in you.
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