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职位编号: C3897
international etiquette teacher
雇主: 东方佳成(北京)教育咨询有限公司
工作地点: 北京
工作地址: 顺义区中粮祥云小镇北区4号楼904
工作类型: 兼职
行业&领域: 教育
职位数量: 2
薪水: 月薪: 人民币 (CNY) 15,000 至 20,000
联系电话: 15001329013
联系人: Steven
更新日期: 2018/7/3
有效期至: 2018/8/31     Expired
Job description:
a. At least 5 to 8 hours of work per week.
b. The children are aged 4 to 15 years old.
c. Promote children’s comprehensive awareness of etiquette in other countries through photos, pictures, situation simulations, interactions, etc. Comprehensive understanding.
Fluency in English and Chinese ; experience in teaching (including but not limited to English teaching); good knowledge or understanding of the etiquette, culture, geography, customs of of multiple countries;passion for interacting and communicating with children. Ability to prepare curriculum outline and teaching content
RMB(CNY)15,000-20,000 per month.
Airfare subsidies,after a year of work.
If you do well and are willing to cooperate with us in long term, the company will provide housing or subsidy.The company is located in an excellent environment, suitable for living, with many foreign friends working and living this town.
Dong Fang Jia Cheng specializes in children aristocratic etiquette education, combing advanced pedagogical doctrines between China and the Western, based on cultivating children’s physique etiquettes, table manners, social observance, and international etiquette, integrated with rich practical activities, including equestrian sport, fencing, golf and other outdoor activities, improving children’s EQ (Emotional Quotient),FQ (Financial Quotient), AQ (Adversity Quotient), LQ (Love Quotient), interpersonal and self-emotional management abilities, international insight and pattern awareness, organizing Summer and Winter Camp in two different countries to practice and study in order that children could interact with the local children and communicate and practice what they learn.
北京地址: 北京市东城区安外大街甲88号中联大厦403室 邮编: 100011
邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
京ICP备13019686号-6 公安备案号11010102005430 增值电信业务经营许可证:京B2-20214253