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职位编号: C592
Content Manager/Staff Writer (Jing'an District)
雇主: Clubbing Shanghai
工作地点: 上海
工作类型: 全职(办公室)
行业&领域: 其它
职位数量: 1
薪水: 面谈
更新日期: 2012/8/9
有效期至: 2013/8/9     Expired
Clubbing Shanghai is a new nightlife, music and entertainment site aimed at being the entertainment hub(O) for Shanghai. We are looking for a Content Manager and a Staff Writer, but these two roles have the potential to be filled by one candidate.
The Content Manager will be in charge of maintaining all articles, news feed posts, venue information and event listings, including in-depth research of artists and venues for event descriptions. Some social media management may also be required.
The Staff Writer will be contributing articles and news feed posts, and may include in-person interviews and event reviews. You will be responsible for maintaining the voice of the website along with providing your own insight into original columns and article series.
Strong writing & copyediting skills
- A clever voice and insight into electronic music and Shanghai nightlife
- Organized and efficient, with strong attention to detail
- Can adhere to strict deadlines
- Ability to work well individually and in a team environment
- Ability to handle multiple tasks and responsibilities on an ongoing basis
- Experience with a creative web start-up a plus
- Experience with content management systems a plus
- Experience with social media a plus
These position(s) may require quick researching skills for events and artists, so resourcefulness and web knowledge are a plus. Industry knowledge or more than just a passive interest in Shanghai and Shanghai nightlife will put you ahead of the pack.
We would prefer someone who can commit full-time, but a part-time position may be available as well. Please contact us with your resume, cover letter, and at least 2 writing samples. The salary will depend on your experience, your time commitment and what roles you are able to fill.
If this opportunity interests you and you deem yourself an Ideal candidate, please send a cover
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邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
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