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职位编号: C616
Internship with a Revolutionizing Leadership Acquisition Company (Huangpu District)
雇主: Internship with a Revolutionizing Leadership Acquisition Company (Huangpu District)
工作地点: 上海
工作类型: 全职(办公室)
行业&领域: 其它
职位数量: 1
薪水: 面谈
更新日期: 2012/8/17
有效期至: 2013/8/17     Expired
Introductiong of our company
The Jace-Kelly is an Executive Search firm based in Shanghai. Our success brought us to the highest levels of the Chinese Human Resources industry and while we're dealing with the top 500 companies, our expertise of markets and indivi duals made us one of the major actors to successfully facilitate the perfect m atch between our clients and candidates. The core of our company is based on strong values, and our mission is to build the best team which will have a perfect mix of competencies such as quality c ontrol, speed, charisma and China insights.
To know more about our company please visits our website on http://www.jace-kelly.com

The Job
1. You will assist on research, analysis and statistics assignments; 2. You will assist on different projects: Business development, Marketing stud ies, Event organization etc;
3. You will assist on Database maintenance and improvement;
4. You will be partly integrated in the interviewing process of candidates;
5. You will handle basic accounting tasks such as bank credits and billing;
6. You will handle basic office administrative tasks, such as receiving calls and visitors, emails to suppliers.

The Person:
1. You should at least have a Bachelor degree or equivalent.
2. You need to be excellent in both written and oral English;
3. Postgraduate student is preferred;
4. Compulsory: a minimum of 3 working days per week, at least for 6 months.

If you are self-motivated, interested in human resources industry and have exc ellent communication skills, we invite you to join us.
If you want to explore and experience the China markets, we invite you to join us.
If you can use your competencies and talents to help us promote our business, we invite you to join us.

Please send your Chieese and English CV (中英文简历) and picture to ***@***.*** and use ‘Your Name-Nationality-Available Days per week-University Name’ as your emailing subject.
E.G.:Christopher Jiang- Chinese- 4 days-Jiaotong University
Pay Attention: If any document/detail mentioned above is missing, we will NOT consider your application.
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