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职位编号: C64
Golf Operation Manager & Assistant Needed in Suzhou
雇主: Taihu Golf Club Co, Ltd
工作地点: 苏州
工作地址: Taihu Social Tourism villages, Suzhou
工作类型: 全职
行业&领域: 旅馆/娱乐场所/胜地
职位数量: 1
薪水: 面谈
联系人: David
更新日期: 2012/3/22
有效期至: 2012/5/31     Expired
Golf Operation Manager & Assistant Needed in Suzhou

Taihu Golf Club, National Top 10 Golf Courses/Specified Course in China of Ladies European Tour, Located in Suzhou Taihu National Tourism&Vacation Zone, with first class facilities and environment, there’s a 5-star hotel in our Golf Club as well

Now, for the development of our Golf club, we’re looking for a Golf Course Operation manager & Assistant (according to your experience)

Main responsibilities

1/ Manage and assist our golf club daily operation
2/ Organize golf tournament
3/ Customer relationship maintenance and development

1/ Come from western countries, Male preferred
2/ Golf sports management experience, Understand the full set of rules the golf game, if you h such experience in China, you’re the one we’re looking for
3/ Customer service management experience will be a big plus
4/ Good Chinese ability, can speak Chinese

About accommodations
We provide accommodations, with full set of home appliances, for someone do not want to live in, we also provide rent subsidies

If you’re qualified and interested in this position, may I have your cv with picture?

Best regards

Service Stuff
1/ Come from western countries, Male preferred
2/ Golf sports management experience, Understand the full set of rules the golf game, if you h such experience in China, you’re the one we’re looking for
3/ Customer service management experience will be a big plus
4/ Good Chinese ability, can speak Chinese
About accommodations
We provide accommodations, with full set of home appliances, for someone do not want to live in, we also provide rent subsidies
Taihu Golf Club, National Top 10 Golf Courses/Specified Course in China of Ladies European Tour, Located in Suzhou Taihu National Tourism&Vacation Zone, with first class facilities and environment, there’s 5-star hotel in our Golf Club as well

苏州太湖国际高尔夫俱乐部由江苏仁泰集团投资兴建,共占地1888亩,为18洞国际锦标赛球场,包含9洞灯光设施、顶级休闲商务会所、高尔夫学院及孙武文化公园等设施,球场由世界高球设计大师Graham Marsh先生严谨参照国际锦标赛球场标准设计,全长7272码,标准杆72杆,所有设施均经USGA全面验证。
北京地址: 北京市东城区安外大街甲88号中联大厦403室 邮编: 100011
邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
京ICP备13019686号-6 公安备案号11010102005430 增值电信业务经营许可证:京B2-20214253