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职位编号: C723
BeijingKids is looking for Editorial Assistant
雇主: True Run Media
工作地点: 北京
工作地址: Beijing
工作类型: 全职
行业&领域: 打印/出版
职位数量: 1
薪水: 面谈
联系人: HR
更新日期: 2012/9/24
有效期至: 2013/9/4     Expired
True Run Media is a ten year old Media company dedicated to helping people in Beijing live their lives to the fullest. Our three magazine titles – the Beijinger, Agenda, and BeijingKids – cater to the distinct needs of people living in Beijing. Currently we're seeking an Editorial Assistant to join our BeijingKids team.

The role of Editorial Assistant is to support the Managing Editor and Deputy Managing Editor by researching and writing articles and blogs, managing uploads to the website, photo requests, photo collection, and other tasks to ensure the smooth production of the magazine and website.


• Researches, fact-checks and writes editorial content as assigned.

• Uploads blogs, the weekly newsletter, the midweek giveaway, web galleries and magazine content to the website, and ensures that new issues are uploaded to issuu.com.

• Receives all photo requests from writers, coordinates with Production to fill them, and ensures that they are saved before the deadline.

• Uploads, edits and formats events according to the house style, and requests and saves the relevant photos in the correct folder before the deadline. Also solicits, saves, labels and uploads galleries for both print and web.

• When necessary, attends photo shoots and other events to ensure that they go smoothly, and that the photo request is fulfilled.

• Solicits for relevant community events and posts them in the events section on the website.

• Edits listing descriptions and approves/monitors comments on the BeijingKids forum and classifieds.
To be successful for this position the candidate will need to possess the following essential characteristics:

• Highly organized

• Efficient work, and good with deadlines

• Excellent English writing skills and native Chinese skills

• Tech-savvy

• Fast learner
Negotiable, please send us your cover letter and resume (login to check email)
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邮箱: service@jobsitechina.com 联博中国&联博永通旗下网站
全国热线 400-780-1070  (京)010-64217250, (沪)021-51039379, (深)0755-66810935 手机版网站
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