This is a regular Job Posting
Employer: Teleperformance
Office Address: 北京市海淀区知春路甲63号卫星大厦
Job Type: Full-time (On-Site)
Industry & Field: Internet
Salary: Monthly Salary: RMB (CNY) 8,000 to 10,000
Phone Number: 010-59936000转6864
Contact Name: Asahi.zhang
Refresh Date: Feb. 28, 2017
Expiration Date: Feb. 28, 2017 Expired
• In Charge of professionally answering the daily customer service hotline, mainly customer calls from Japan;
• Book hotels, air tickets and make travel plans;
Qualifications & Requirements:
• Junior college degree or above, Japanese N1, Fluent oral Japanese;
• Strong sense of customer service and customer service skills;
• With good communication and coordination skills, strong sense of responsibility and be a good team partner;
• With customer service enthusiasm, and provide customers high quality, high efficiency service to ensure customer satisfaction;
• Computer related knowledge or work experience is preferred.
endowment insurance、
medical insurance、unemployment insurance employment injury insurance maternity insurance Public housing funds
北京互联企信信息技术有限公司(teleperformance)--法国Teleperformance作为全球第一CRM外包服务供应商,为了更进一步推动全球拓展策略,更好的服务于全球客户,现在北京设立了外包客服中心--Teleperformance China(北京互联企信信息技术有限公司)并首期成功建成可扩充坐席500个(后期可扩充至2000个);依靠Teleperformance集团为强大的后盾,采用全球统一的服务标准和运营考核指标,Teleperformance China将继续竭力为我们的客户提供专业、系统的呼叫中心培训、呼出、呼入业务,致力于协助客户实现最大的商业价值。
28年来Teleperformance已深入全球电信、金融、保险、电子商务、媒体、IT、能源设施、交通旅游、制造、物流、制药等行业,并成功为大型跨国公司如:Sprint、France Telecom、Verizon、AIG、Aegon、Microsoft、Dell、Motorola、Citigroup等提供以CRM为核心的服务体系,服务类型包括:客户挖掘、客户关怀、客户增值、技术支持、债务追讨和市场调研;其中90%的客户和我们有2--15年的合作基础。
Teleperformance在中国以外的41个国家和地区正在为很多跨国集团提供着服务;在此我们很真诚的希望与许多客户的合作在中国可以延续,并且借助中国强大的市场资源和Teleperformance集团丰富的运营经验,Teleperformance China将继续为在中国的全球客户提供专业的服务。
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