Native English speakers wanted in Shanghai!Good payment!
This is a free job posting
Job Type: Full-time (On-Site), Part Time
Industry & Field: Education
Salary: Monthly Salary: RMB (CNY) 12,000 to 15,000
Refresh Date: May. 22, 2012
Expiration Date: Aug. 31, 2012 Expired
Native English speakers wanted in Shanghai!Good payment!
Native English speakers wanted inShanghai!Good payment!
Hi there! Im from Chic Tutor-a foreign language exchange center. We’re recruiting part-time/full-time English tutors. The teaching time and locations are flexible for a part-time job.
If you’re interested, plz send me ur resume with a current photo. We’ll arrange an interview for u ASAP! Looking forward to hearing from u!
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Our location:RM1918,No16 huayuan Rd. Hongkou football stadium (line3,line8 exit2),Shanghai
Qualifications & Requirements:
Americans and Canadians with teaching experience are preferred.
Payment -part-time: RMB150-200/h, full-time:RMB 12000-16000/m
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