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Job Position Information

Code: C6286
BD Assistant intern
This is a VIP JOB
Employer: 上海捷施易商务咨询有限公司
Working Place: Shanghai
Office Address: 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区世纪大道8号B座36层3691室
Job Type: Intern
Industry & Field: Business Services, Customer Service, Sales or Business Development
Vacancies: 1
Salary: Monthly Salary: RMB (CNY) 3,000 to 6,000
Phone Number: 13818440964
Contact Name: Cindy
Refresh Date: Jun. 17, 2024
Expiration Date: Jul. 12, 2024     Expired
Job Description: 
1. Assisting business: Under the guidance of the CEO, assist the company business development work.

2. Assist to complete the required document preparation, such as quotation, specification sheet, etc.

Qualifications & Requirements: 
Job requirements:

1. Candidates need to be native American or Canadian, or have experience of studying or living in USA or Canada at least 4 years.

2. Strong communication ability, positive personality, strong logical thinking and text organization ability, and good working attitude.

3. Other advantages of candidates are preferred.
Benefits & Welfare: 
Company will provide employees with:
1. National holidays
2. Red bag for festivals
3. After you become a permanent employees, you can enjoy all the benefits according to the laws, such as insurances, and so on.
Employer Introduction: 
GSI (Grupo Seguridad Intergral) 于1976年成立于墨西哥,目前在全球拥有超过4万名员工。集团旗下有30+分公司,业务遍及20+国家,分别在安保领域提供现金管理系统,ATM机系统,安保业务,电子安保报警业务,安保车辆运输,现金运输,装甲车辆制造等服务。
GSI china成立于2017年,2018年从代表办事处更换成中国办公室。

• GSI (Grupo Seguridad Intergral) was first established in COMETRA, Mexico ,1976. The company revolves around the core security business of property escort, cash management, international transportation, and private bodyguards. Through a series of business integration, it provides complete security products and solutions for offline scenarios such as banks, retails, commercial complexes, hospitals, schools, and government affairs. etc.

• As the rule maker in Mexico and Central America in the security industry, after more than 40 years of development and growth, GSI Group has become the world’s fourth largest PICC group, with AX Transporter, SEGURITEC, SEPSA, GLOVAL, TECNOVAL well-known brands in America regions.

• So far, GSI Group has more than 30 subsidiaries, business covers more than 20 countries, and has an industry-leading SAP platform. The group company has more than 46,000 employees worldwide, covering Mexico, the United States, Central America, South America, Spain and the Asia-Pacific region.
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Address: Unit 403, ZhongLian Building, No.88(A), Anwai Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100011 China
Telephone: 400-780-1070    (Office) 010-64217250  021-61900630  0755-66810935     Fax: 010-64217809
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